Питання для підготовки до екзамену 2024 гр 12-20 та 13-20

1.     How we value and perceive ourselves.

2.     Other children the same age.

3.     The process of finding ways to fix problems.

4.     A time during which kids can play however they want

5      A plan showing when various activities and events will take place

6.     Associated with strong feelings.

7. Improved with experience

8. To report one's arrival to a person in authority.

9. A brief period between lessons.

10. Gain knowledge about.

11. a group of clothes that are worn as an outfit

12. to practice something before doing it in front of an audience

13. a structure build for children on a playground

14. to present something for the first time

15. to watch people to make sure they are behaving appropriately

16. to ask for something politely

17. a large room or building for students to do sports

18. a set of beliefs related to a particular task

19. a system for doing things on a regular basis

20. to leave a place

21. becoming better at something       

22. happening once each day              

23. list that reminds you of things to consider or to do             

24. knowledge and skill gained from performing an activity or job    

25. a specific fact, idea, person, or object, that represents a bigger group mentioned                            26. an observation-based method of assessing children`s abilities and development 

27.a condition that makes it hard to use part of his body or brain or to learn normaly 

28.to show a specific ability, quality or feeling                          

29.the space, distance or period of time between two things     

30. happening one time each week                                              

31.worked out a detailed scheme in advance                              

32. to bring a fact that they knew before back into their minds  

33. to respond a teacher's cue with a set word or phrase              

34. taking place at the close of an annual period                          

35. associated with being a mother or father                               

36. to gather similar items from various sources                          

37. helped the students to think of                                                

38. system for assigning scores to people taking a test               

39. ability to control large muscles                                             

 41 A feeling of relaxation and peacefulness               

41. able to think creatively                                    

42. a process of growing                                       

43. the act of being a part of a group or event       

44. very important and necessary for success       

45. earlier than other things                                  

46. to make someone or something a part of something else   

47. a bed suitable for a small child                       

48. having the ability to make people feel relaxed                   

49. the time in the middle of the day                     

50. to make someone feel relaxed and not worried                  

51. when a person sleeps for a short amount of time during the day         

52. not under another's control                 

ПРАКТИЧНА ЧАСТИНА (усна відповідь на питання білету) 

Дайте розгорнуту УСНУ відповідь на питання з прикладами.

1. What is evaluation? Why is it important to evaluate your lessons? How would you evaluate someone’s lessons?

2. Why are lesson plans important for teaching? What do you think should be included in lesson plans?

3. What types of activities can help practice students writing letters and words? What type of games could a teacher play with students in class to help with writing?

4. What skills should students develop so they can write complete sentences? How could a teacher help students who are learning to write numbers?

5.What creative activities help teach stories? What skills can students demonstrate when performing creative activities related to a story?

6.What are some goals for teaching lessons on stories? How can teachers check for student comprehension?

7.What are some reading strategies for new readers? How can teachers use word walls as learning tools?

8.What is the difference between phonemics and phonics? What skills must children develop as a foundation for reading?

9.What are the characteristics of triangles and rectangles? What are some materials that geometry activities might require? 

10.How can two polygons be alike and different? What are some two- and three- dimensional shapes?

11.What is brainstorming? And why is it a good activity? What activities help students practice comparing objects?

12.What are some attributes objects can have? What are some measurement devices?

13.How do calendars and number lines help students? What are some hands on activities?

14.Why must students understand cardinality? What is addition and subtraction?

15.What is a quite signal, and how can a teacher use it to help manage a class? How might a teacher reward a class for good behavior?

16.When should you check for understanding and why? How can you help students understand better?

17.What are some classroom jobs for students? Why might a teacher assign classroom jobs?

18.Why should you use repetition in teaching? What are some ways to use repetition?

19.Why is good classroom management important? Why is the ability to think on one’s feet an important skill for a teacher?
20.Why is it important to always get students’ attention? How do people get students’ attention in Ukraine? 

21.What are some different levels of education? What type of education is recommended for teachers?

22.What personality traits do kindergarten teachers need to have? How do certain personality traits help kindergarten teachers with their jobs?  

23. What are some important things to do on the first day of school? Why is it important to engage students on the first day of school?

24.What should be done before the first day of school? Why is being prepared for the first day of school is important?

25.Why is it important to follow dismissal policies?  What are some examples of good dismissal policies?

26.Why is clean up an important part of school? How can you encourage students to clean?